1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Life is compose of Coffee and Tea Moments

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday food hopping and Sunday 21k

Im writing another blog to celebrate the fun of eating :) Its nice to try new restaurants and try new cuisine once in awhile. My family went to Manila Ocean Park and tried Makasuntra Restaurant. Its not a fine dining place, its more on a fast food place that consists of various kinds of food in asia. Mostly singapore and malaysian food. I ordered So chicken Rice. Yum! And I heart their dessert, halo halo singaporean style :) I forgot the name of the dessert, but i highly recommend it. Not too sweet, unlike our filipino style halo halo. It consists of jellys, nata de coco, and other sweets...and most of all its has its distinct taste. It tasted like..."foreign dessert", as what I told my sister. hehehe :) The ambiance of the restaurant is superb. But for me, I would rather go there at around 5pm onwards, its nice to catch the sunset :) very romantic. Unlike if you go there on the peek afternoon time, its really hot, especially now, summer is just around the corner...the temperature during peak afternoon like 12noon to 3pm is scorching hot!

I give the restaurant a thumbs up! For more eating! :)

Well the next day, is the big day for me, because its my 3rd half marathon! :)

21-10 - This date marked again another memorable run for me. One of the milestones that would create and complete the Philippines first ever Run Rio Trilogy for the year 2010.

Around 10,000 runners joined this event, just imagine the number of runners inside The Fort. I feel sorry to all the drivers out there who experienced the traffic at an early morning Sunday. ;/

This is the first leg of the of the Run Rio Trilogy and Im very surprised that the Gun Start for 21k started 15 or 10 mins early! We knew the race will start at 5:20am. I haven’t done any warm ups or stretching yet and my hydration belt and ipod are not yet in place when the race started. Talk about pressure lol. We arrived 5:09 am at the site and we saw the big screen showing the countdown for 21k...10-9-8-7-6-5-3-2-1. I asked my sis, is this for us? I was confounded by it..and yes it is! haha. A thumbs down to the organizers for not properly informing the runners :( I was a bit stressed on my first 1k, but i reminded myself to finish strong no matter what it takes. I don’t want any negative thoughts while running!

Well, a thumbs up to the organizers for putting enough water station, lots of freebies, and most of all, I can’t take my eyes away from those gorgeous sexy bods of Century Tuna's Brazilian men models who were stationed to give us water. LOL.

On my way to Heritage Park, I felt an intense pain on my right knee, so I have to walk and do some stretching. It was a challenge for me because there's a bit of uphill inside the cemetery and the sun is scorching hot. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my last km because there were a lot of "paparazzi" who took time to click their professional cameras and capture my own victory. (Thank you photovendo). I was surprised because when i saw the word "finish line" from afar, my name was called...haha, the emcee said in loud speaker, "lyn tanada, on her way to the finish line...that’s lyn tanada to the finish line, congratulations!".

Congrats to all runners out there. No matter what the distance, we are all winners in our own way. I salute you for finishing strong. :)

Thank you Century Tuna for promoting healthy lifestyle. As what Derek Ramsay says "Eat healthy, live healthy!" :)

Run Rio Trilogy
Leg 1- Finished
Leg 2 - May 2010 21k
Leg 3 - Nov 2010 32k - (so help me God)

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