1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Life is compose of Coffee and Tea Moments

Friday, February 19, 2010

Restaurant Experience - Thursday

Ok...Thursday night was so fun!

I got to experience to eat in two restaurants in one night! :) It was a company dinner given to all employees who managed to perfect their attendance last year. And i was one of them! :) We went o A Venue in Makati avenue, the food was great...ambiance was fab! Live karaoke is a plus. I highly recommend this place. A bit pricey but its all worth it.

Me and my friends took a cab, on our way there, we saw this new restaurant. Its a Mediterranean restaurant. We are quite curious, because its not only a restaurant but it say "Coffee shop". I rarely find a Mediterranean coffee shop here in the city. So after the dinner, me and my bessy decided to hop in and try this new coffee shop/restaurant. Im a coffee and tea addict, but my bessy does not drink any of these unless i force her hehehe. But anyway, we were welcomed. The place is so big for a coffee shop though, and the manager told us that the restaurant will have their grand opening two weeks from now. So we are actually one of the few firsts customers, hmm thats why we are given this outmost hospitality hehehe.

I ordered Halib tea, its actually a milk tea. It tasted good...not an ordinary and usual tea i drink everyday. THe waiter gave a sample dessert, its like a "kamote" dried fruit. Its sweet, but i dont like the taste that much. Me and my bessy sat down outside, coz we dont like the coldness of the non smoking area. Since there are no smokers outside, we sat down beside the window. It was very relaxing, music is relaxing although we cant understand whats playing because the song is in a different language. I just cant depict if its arabic or indian song. Oh by the way, The name of the restaurant is Albatra. :) According to the manager, we actually talked to the manager itself, he is so friendly ehhehe. We were introduced to the head of the restaurant as well, he is a Syrian national. Both of them worked in Saudi Arabia and the owner which is a Jordanian decided to put up a restaurant here in makati. Its 24 hour restaurant, I hope that it will survive knowing that its 24 hours huh. The restaurant's name Albatra was taken from a place in Jordan. Its one of the favorite touris destinations of the owner. Thats the reason why he named the place Albatra.

Next time we will be trying out other restaurants and I will write it!

So..I know you're asking what I am thinking while i was drinking my Halib Tea...hmmmm so many thoughts lingered in my mind...my work, my life and him..again! :( But in fairness to me, i did not cry anymore, maybe because I was too busy planning my life ahead..or am i just in denial again. The hurt is still there..but i try to erase it from my heart..because its not doing me good.

Do you ever have regrets? But i know that to live a happy life, there should be none. Because sometimes I do. What if i did not make that decision, what if I chose him...no...i should not think of the other him anymore, because I know I hurt him so bad. and its not fair to him for me to keep in touch with him. Its not fair for him. He doesnt deserve me.

So...I just move forward. Whatever happen will happen....

So please Help me God....whew thank you i survived this week....

21k this sunday....

Happy weekend guys.....

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