1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Life is compose of Coffee and Tea Moments

Thursday, February 11, 2010

First day of coffee moment


Coffee makes me think a lot of things happening in my life. I could drink it anytime of the day. But ofcourse, i dont want to drink it before bedtime.

Today, I drank it with my grandmother. She is the only woman I know who does not dwell on her problems too much. She is a strong woman, and i really do admire her so much. She talks too much though, if you start a conversation with her, it will be a long long walk until you fall asleep. She and my grandfather (whom i never get the chance to meet) met in the province. They have one daughter (my mom) and unfortunately, the rest of my mother's siblings died because of miscarriage. My grandpops was a seaman, and as "men" do when they are far away from their loved ones...had one affair with a korean woman. And that one affair lead to them having three children. So to cut the story short, my mom has 3 half brothers and sisters...and they are koreans. I wonder how they look like today. My mother now is in pursuit of finding them. I forgot their names, something like --- Gu-sun pyo...I dont know..Their names confuse me.

So, I sat awhile ago with my grandma while savouring this very divine coffee. (brewed) with brown sugar. While I sipped it, my grandma started to talk about her upcoming birthday celeb this saturday. Her birthday is on February 14. How cool is that? Double celebration huh. She is excited, and she showed me her red dress.

While I sip my coffee, and listening to her, my mind wandered again about my life. Kinda dull, going to work in awhile...struggling to be happy, waiting for Emersons to call for a future interview with them, and thinking of a love that i had lost. Until now, I still think about him, and it confuses me a lot. My grandmother likes him, she knows him for almost 10 yrs as well and she often asks me when is the big day, but I dont want to dwell on that topic anymore because I really dont know the answers to that...so move on to the next question please.....

Then my last sip of coffee ended..when her favorite tv show started. Wowowee....I went upstairs...and get ready to work...off to start my day....

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